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Building DroneCI Pipelines


Last time I covered several tips on how to launch and operate a Drone CI installation. As promised, I will now reveal my hard-earned secrets on how to build, configure, and monitor DroneCI pipelines!

This assumes pipelines using the Docker runner which is the common use case (and the most useful!)

Each pipeline step can use entirely different container images

Yes, this is implicit with the use of the Docker runner, however, take a...

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Running DroneCI


In a previous post, I explored why Jenkins should no longer be the default choice for CI/CD for new software projects. This time, let’s discuss an alternative that I’ve gotten quite familiar with recently: Drone CI.

Drone is simply described as a ‘self-service Continuous Integration platform for busy development teams’. Configuring a CI pipeline is as simple as activating the repo in the web UI and committing a .drone.yml file in the project’s...